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What is a reasonable accommodation at the University?

A reasonable accommodation is a change or modification in policies, practices, procedures, or adjustment to a job, employment practices, or the work environment that affords a qualified individual with a disability full enjoyment of University services, programs, or activities unless modifications of policies, practices, and procedures would fundamentally alter the nature of the program, service, or activity, or result in undue financial and administrative burdens to the University.

How do I request a reasonable accommodation? (For Students)

If you are a University student and need a reasonable accommodation, you should contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Associate Dean of Students and Director Dr. David Beach and the DRC staff are available to answer questions, review medical documentation, and arrange services for all qualified students admitted to the University.

Disability Resource Center
Multidisciplinary Science Building, Suite 407
725 Rose Street
Lexington, KY 40536-0082
(859) 257-2754


East Wing - Gatton Student Center Location

C300D Gatton Student Center
160 Avenue of Champions
Lexington, KY 40506-3396
(859) 257-2754

How do I request a reasonable accommodation? (For Employees)

If you are a qualified University faculty or staff member with a disability, you may request a reasonable accommodation from your supervisor, chair, dean, or the Office of Campus Accessibility and ADA by completing a Request for a Reasonable Accommodation Form. When the disability is not obvious, you may be asked to submit sufficient medical documentation. Your provider may fill out the Medical Inquiry Form and provide your Reasonable Accommodation Form as sufficient medical documentation. You may also contact the office:

Office of Campus Accessibility and ADA
218 Peterson Service Building
Lexington, KY 40506-0005
(859) 562-2601

How do I request a reasonable accommodation? (For Public Accommodations)

A reasonable accommodation is a change or modification to afford a qualified individual with a disability full enjoyment of the University’s programs or activities unless modifications of policies, practices, and procedures would fundamentally alter the nature of the program, service, or activity, or result in undue financial and administrative burdens to the University.

If you are participating in or attending a University program or activity, contact the Office of Campus Accessibility and ADA at (859) 562-2601 or by email at to request a reasonable accommodation.

Office of Campus Accessibility and ADA
218 Peterson Service Building
Lexington, KY 40506-0005
(859) 562-2601

Does my request for a reasonable accommodation need to be in writing?

No, you do not need to put your request in writing; however, making a written request can be helpful documentation to ensure that the University provides the preferred accommodation. In addition, you do not need to use the specific words “reasonable accommodations” when making your request.

When should I request a reasonable accommodation?

You may request a reasonable accommodation from the University at any time. However, making the request before a meeting, conference call, or visit will help ensure that the University can fulfill the request for an accommodation. For certain requests, such as requests for sign language interpretation, the University requests at least two week’s advance notice.

May someone request a reasonable accommodation on my behalf?

Yes, anyone can request a reasonable accommodation on behalf of an individual with a disability who seeks an accommodation in the workplace, to interact with University staff or participate in its programs or activities.

What will the University do upon receiving my request for a reasonable accommodation?

The University may contact you to obtain more information about your request and to understand your needs better. In addition, for employees, the University will review your request to determine: 

  • You meet the definition of having a disability under the ADA.
  • Whether the requested accommodation will be effective for your position or in the workplace.
  • Whether the requested accommodation is reasonable, or an equally effective alternative to the requested accommodation is available, and 
  • Whether providing you with the requested accommodation would fundamentally alter the nature of the position or impose undue financial or administrative burdens on the University. 

For participants, the University will review your request to determine:

  • Whether the requested accommodation will be effective in allowing you to participate in the activity or program in which you are seeking participation;
  • Whether the requested accommodation is reasonable, or an equally effective alternative to the requested accommodation is available; and
  • Whether providing you with the requested accommodation would fundamentally alter the nature of the University’s program or impose undue financial or administrative burdens on the University. 

For employees, participants, and visitors, the University may consult with you in an interactive process to determine on a case-by-case basis what accommodations can be made. If the University determines that your requested accommodation would fundamentally alter the nature of the position or program or impose an undue financial or administrative burden, the University may deny your request. The University will work with you to try and identify an alternative accommodation that allows you to effectively perform your essential duties or participate in the University’s program, activity, or service.

After receiving your request for a reasonable accommodation, may the University request medical documentation from you?

For employees: Yes. The University may request medical documentation after receiving your request when the disability is not obvious.

For participants and visitors: No. The University may not request medical documentation after receiving your request for a reasonable accommodation. The University’s questions will be limited to understanding the barrier to your ability to participate in the program or activity you are interested in and the nature of an accommodation that will remove this barrier.

May the University charge you for providing reasonable accommodation?

No, you are not responsible for the cost of an accommodation the University provides to you.

What are some examples of reasonable accommodations?

There are many types of reasonable accommodations. Some examples of reasonable accommodation the University provides to employees include:

  • Modified break schedule.
  • Modified/Flexible schedule.
  • Accessible technology and equipment.
  • Remote/hybrid work locations.
  • Modifications to policies.

Some examples of how the University provides reasonable accommodations include:

  • Arranging for qualified sign language interpreters. 
  • Providing on-site captioning. 
  • Producing alternate formats of print materials in braille, large print, or electronic format. 
  • Providing remote conference captioning services.
  • Furnishing a temporary ramp to access areas with one or more stairs to ensure accessibility for individuals who have physical disabilities and may be using a wheelchair or walker.