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Owned/Leased/Rented Vehicles

These procedures are to be followed to make a claim for any accident regardless of fault, damages, or injuries.

Claim Reporting

  1. In case of an accident, notify the police immediately. If the accident occurs on campus, notify the University police. If the accident occurs off campus, notify the city or state police or local authority. 
  2. Do not admit fault. Make no commitments and do not argue with anyone at the scene. 
  3. If anyone is injured, see that the person(s) receives proper medical attention. 
  4. Carefully examine all damage and secure the name(s) and telephone number(s) of any witness(es). 
  5. If physically able, complete this form at the time and at the scene of the accident. Include as much detail as possible; however, do not delay in reporting a claim because information is unavailable or unknown. 
  6. You must include your department number on the report (see lower left area) and a telephone number where you can be reached. 
  7. You must select one of the following Area names and include it on the report (see lower right area). 
    • President
    • Exec VP for Health Affairs
    • Athletics
    • Fiscal Affairs and Information Technology
    • Exec VP for Finance and Administration
    • Exec VP for Research
    • Provost
  8. For Physical Plant vehicles, report the accident to the Work Control Center at 859-257-3844. The driver must report to their departmental office to complete necessary forms.
  9. For the College of Agriculture vehicles, report the accident to the Director, Management Operations at 859-257-2983. If after office hours, contact the Mechanic Supervisor at 859-257-3119 or the Director, Management Operations at 859-269-2753. The driver must also report to their departmental office to complete necessary forms. You must contact UK's Vehicle Maintenance Superintendent at 859-255-2648 to obtain one estimate of damage.
  10. UK department administrators will phone (877-252-4839), fax (502-489-6435) or e-mail ( the completed vehicle accident report form to Underwriters Safety and Claims as soon as possible or within 24 hours. Underwriters Safety and Claims will send an acknowledgement form identifying the claim number assigned to the UK department originating the report or to the driver involved in the accident (if no department administrator was identified on the fax transmittal).
  11. For leased vehicles, you must advise Charles Taylor TPA whether or not physical damage insurance coverage was purchased through the leasing company and provide a copy of the lease agreement.  For Enterprise or National rental vehicles, the damage should also be reported to their claims department at 1-800-325-8838, option 2.
  12. If a third party is involved, advise them that Underwriters Safety and Claims, Louisville, KY will handle the matter and they can call 877-252-4839 after 24 hours.
  13. Injuries involving UK employees should be reported to UK Workers' Care at 1-800-440-6285.

Repair of University Vehicles

  • Regardless of fault, you are to obtain two estimates of the damage to your vehicle and a copy of the police report and fax them to Charles Taylor TPA at 502-489-6435. 
  • Repairs are not to be started until approved by Charles Taylor TPA.