Why is the Key Shop moving?
The four University of Kentucky ‘key shops’ that previously supported different areas on UK’s campus are combining into one single key shop to provide better service, better record keeping, and a more strategic control of campus keys. One of the findings of a campus wide study focusing on key issues and policies was that each key shop operated in a slightly different manner; and this independence prevented meaningful strategic planning for the management of campus locks and keys. At the top of the list to address this challenge was to create a single, university-wide Key Shop.
Who runs the Key Shop now?
The new Central Key Shop, or Key Shop Services, is a combination of the four previously separated shops; material, logistics and personnel have been brought together from all sections of the campus. In general, the new Key Shop is guided by the three major facilities directors for the university.
How is this going to affect me and my department?
At the moment the only practical effect of the relocation will be that the key shop is in a new location. The location was chosen as near the geographic center of UK as could be achieved without new construction; in this case the maintenance service wing located at the rear of Donavon Hall. Key cards with an authorized signature will still be required to acquire keys. Also rates for services will become standardized across campus where they previously were not.
Are there any other changes being made?
Absolutely. The new Key Shop Services unit is moving forward just like the rest of the campus community by incorporating new technology, software and processes to better meet the needs of our campus patrons. A new process is being put into place that will allow university departments much greater control over their own areas through direct management of their keys. Coinciding with this new process will be an easy-to-use application that connects departments to the Key Shop for a more streamlined ordering and reporting ability. Very soon individual trips to the Key Shop and cumbersome paperwork will be reduced a few secure clicks on a computer. Each department is being given individual attention when they are brought into the system. Until you are contacted by a Key Shop representative, carry on as you normally would.
What can I do to help the new Key Shop?
All we ask is that you give us your patience as we experience a few growing pains. In the end what we’re hoping to build is a better way to serve the campus community and to incorporate a more strategic view in the management of campus keys and locks.