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Camp and Field Trip Insurance This insurance can now be purchased online with a University Procard.

To purchase coverage, click Apply Now.

To review coverage features, contacts, claims reporting information and access other forms, click here.


Excess Accident Medical

What types of University activities can be covered: 

All University of Kentucky camps or field trips have Excess Accident Medical Insurance available for purchase covering campers and counselors provided all the following criteria is met:

  1. The activity must be sponsored by the University and supervised by University personnel.  Essentially, a University department must take responsibility for the organization, hosting, and (usually) funding of the activity. Student organization activities, or activities held on University property but sponsored by an outside organization, do not meet this condition, and are not eligible for this insurance.
  2. The activity must be a summer camp, sports activity, field trip, or activity involving more risk than would typically be expected in a learning setting (i.e. woodworking workshops, youth livestock show). 

Note:  Events primarily targeting adults are not eligible for this coverage.

For weeklong camps or activities lasting over a week, there are required camper forms which should be completed by a parent or guardian prior to participation in the camp:  Medical Insurance Information, Medical Authorization, and Consent to Treatment/Insurance statement.   The camper's personal health insurance is primary. 


Claims Process

Explanation of Claims Processing 

University of Kentucky Camps Insurance Program 

Part I of the Claim Form should be completed by the Camp Director or other Supervisor. This section of the Claim Form simply documents to the Insurer that an accident or illness has occurred. A copy of the claim form should be kept at the camp for their records. Once Section I is completed by the Camp Director or Supervisor, the form should be given to the camper for completion. Please note: the Claim Form should not be given to the camper until expenses are incurred. 

Part II of the Claim Form should be completed by the camper/claimant or his/her parents. The information given in this section is very important because it will drive the rest of the claims process. If the camper/claimant has primary insurance, copies of the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) forms need to be included with the completed claim form and fully itemized medical bills. 

  • If the camper/claimant does not have primary insurance, no EOB will be available. Therefore, just the completed claim form and copies of fully itemized medical bills need to be sent to the Claims Processor, AGIA. Please note: Make sure to instruct the camper/claimant that balance due bills are not acceptable in lieu of itemized medical bills.
  • The Authorization to Release Information and Payment Authorization contained within Part II of the Claim Form must be signed by the parent or camper/claimant before the claim form is mailed to AGIA. 

Part III of the Claim Form does not need to be completed by the Physician or Provider if EOB's are included. If the Cigna Plan is Primary, a physician must complete Part III.

As referenced above, once the Claim Form has been completed and authorized, the Claim Form, fully itemized medical bills (and EOB's if applicable) should be sent to AGIA at the address listed at the top of page one of the Claim Form. As soon as a Dedicated Claims Examiner has been assigned to the plan, his or her name and number will be made available to you in the event of a question on the status of a specific claim. 


Summary of Coverage

Insurance coverage is on an excess basis only. The participant's personal health insurance policy will be primary and provide coverage for accident and sickness. The excess policy will cover any out-of-pocket expense not paid by the participant's personal insurance up to the limits of the policy listed below. (This includes payment of the deductible and coinsurance amounts if applied under the participant's personal policy.) The sickness medical expense will be limited to $500 on an excess basis. The benefit period is one year. The first expense must be incurred within 60 days of the accident or sickness. If the participant does not have personal health insurance coverage, this excess policy will pay first dollar, up to the limits of this policy. Pre-existing conditions are not covered. A pre-existing condition is any condition for which a prudent person should have sought treatment or was treated in the previous six months.


Rate Per Camper Per Day

Camp Amount
4H Camps (Weeklong or any overnight) $ .35
4H Camps (Daily camps - no overnight) $ .24
Sports Camps (Excluding tackle football) $ .52
Field Trips (Non-sports camps and field trips) $ .22
Tackle football camps $9.50

Property Insurance

Fire and EC Station 

Fire and EC section (Required by Chapter 56, KRS 56.065 through KRS 56.170)

Insures state-owned buildings and/or contents on a July 1 fiscal year basis and provides All Risks-Special Form coverage for direct physical loss including earthquake and flood. The buildings and contents are currently insured on a Replacement Cost basis with a $5,000 deductible applicable per occurrence.

All Risks Special Form coverage is provided and includes theft, water-damage, and breakage. All contents that remain in a designated building, that have been included in the total value reported for that building, are now automatically provided All Risks coverage. Values are primarily obtained from capitalized inventory records and are scheduled according to official UK building number assignments. This coverage excludes computer and telephone coverage, which is insured on a separate certificate and outside policy. Contents that do not remain in a designated building are not insured.

Additional Coverage

Debris Removal; Preservation of Property; Fire Department Service Charge; Pollutant Clean Up and Removal; Collapse (limited). (Excludes: Computer and Telephone Equipment)


Inland Marine Station

The State Fire and Tornado Insurance Fund offers optional All Risk Inland Marine Coverage. Computer and telephone are not available under this section. This is currently on a Replacement Cost Basis with a $5,000 deductible applicable per occurrence. Departments may decide to take advantage of this additional coverage because the basic contents insurance does not provide coverage for:

  • Owned items valued over $5,000 that do not remain in inventory designated building.
  • Short-term coverage (exhibits, etc.)
  • Transit coverage
  • Non-owned items

In order to obtain coverage, according to the State's requirement, we obtain from departments requesting the coverage, a categorized list including insured value, description, UK property number, serial number, model number, location, and ownership. Departments may maintain coverage during the year by written request for any necessary changes to their list. At the beginning of each policy year a new list is required. Premiums are recharged to department account numbers. 


Telephone Certificate

Telephone Equipment and Systems

Coverage for Telephone equipment and systems is available on a separate State Fire and Tornado Insurance Fund Certificate of Insurance. Coverage provided is All Risk with a $5,000 deductible applicable per occurrence.

Values are primarily obtained by direct communication with full description and backup of purchase documents provided by the department requesting coverage. For those systems inventoried as telephone equipment, values are obtained by Risk Management and insured on the Telephone Certificate. For those items not included on the inventory records coverage must be added by departmental request to Risk Management with full description and backup of purchase documents.


Computer Policy

Computer Equipment

Computers and related equipment are currently insured for "All Risk" coverage on a replacement cost basis with the State Fire and Tornado Insurance Fund.  Coverage provided is All Risk with a $5,000 deductible applicable per occurrence.

Coverage is provided on a blanket basis for owned and inventoried computer equipment and includes $200,000 transit coverage, $750,000 for extra expenses incurred due to the loss and up to $500,000 automatic coverage for newly acquired equipment. For premium purposes values are obtained from capitalized inventory records and are scheduled according to official UK building number assignments.